The people of Madagascar by and large, live a very simple life. They have strong beliefs in the "after-life" and their cultures are quite different from those which westerners usually see on their travels. While many are true subsistence dwellers one only has to travel to the larger cities to see the modern face of Madagascar, as it hurtles into a western culture.
There are basically 18 ethnic groups, each with their own history and differing customs.
While travelling in Madagascar you should try to learn a little about the people and their very different cultures - and one thing you will discover for sure, is one of the happiest and most welcoming nations you have visited.
Here is an article on "Salegy" - the "now" music of Madagascar .....
There are basically 18 ethnic groups, each with their own history and differing customs.
While travelling in Madagascar you should try to learn a little about the people and their very different cultures - and one thing you will discover for sure, is one of the happiest and most welcoming nations you have visited.
Here is an article on "Salegy" - the "now" music of Madagascar .....